OpenWrt Tailscale Repository

Opkg feed for Tailscale

Tailscale packages

Backport of the latest Tailscale to OpenWrt 19.07.

These are built as combined binaries to reduce disk space, and are patched to not conflict with mwan3.



Add this repository feed by following the instructions below or manually download and install the correct ipk file from the above link.

NOTE: It is normal for the installation to give an error about a failed log upload after finishing when the service starts.

Web UI

Navigate to System -> Software

Add the following feed to /etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf

src/gz openwrt-tailscale

Update the feeds

Search for tailscale, and install it.


echo "src/gz openwrt-tailscale" >> "/etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf"
opkg update
opkg install tailscale


After installation tailscaled should already be running and waiting for you to login and configure it.

For example:

tailscale up --accept-dns=false --advertise-routes= --advertise-exit-node

What about OpenWrt 21.02+?

Tailscale is already in the default feeds for newer versions of OpenWrt.